Inspire your inner goddess on the "Edge of Ember"

Where the panaches of fashionistas are bemused, where your inner goddesses are emboldened, where feminine grace is beautified, is the Edge of Ember. The creative whirlwind of inspiration that will adorn you with the grace of designer expertise and the humble aspiration of the adept artisans. The wide array of inspiring spurs that are offered by the muses of fashion and style that is Edge of Ember range from bangle, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

Edge of Ember is a London based collective that brings about the humble abridgement of gap between modern designer techniques and the traditional designer techniques of artistry in the unfounded enclaves of the world. The designers at the heart of England resort to the traditional, modest artists of the developing communities to inspire them with the sustainable production of jewellery.

These production processes do not involve mass production or unfair provision of wages to these artisans. These processes involve small-scale business units that exist in the farthest corners of the world where they strive to sustain with the ethical production techniques. 


These suitably personal, haven for jewellery, lets you choose your desired jewellery that compliments your own style and sense of fashion, with their wide range of jewellery products ranging from gold and rose gold jewellery of the classy street chic persuasion, freshwater pearls for the daring personality, embedded semi-precious stones for the edgy or bohemian persona to nonchalant geometric shaped jewellery for vintage or modern vogue of fashion.

Notwithstanding the impressive designer sense of Edge of Ember, the ensemble of fashion and artistry they have perfected is seen in the timeless and versatile collection of their products. The burgeoning trends introduced by Edge of Ember Jewellery flows down from the crown of your head to heels. The seamless collection products will adorn you and compliment your persona accordingly. From the daring bangles to the breezy plainly styled necklaces, these expert designershave perfected in executing their acumen in decorating your physique.

The jewellery that is trend-right with a tinge of sheer elegance are the forte of the artisans of Edge of Ember. The effort of the experts from the humble corners of the planet is exercised into a graceful collection of Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets and Rings. The nonchalant geometric shapes of the Chevron Arrows Statement Ring, The Myla Arrows King that is the radiant openwork stacked ring and the Kiri Studs Ring an openwork ring that is the perfect blend to for a woman of fine composure are the forte of these designers.

The iconic Crescent Pearl Earrings, the Satori Hex Pearl Earrings and the Satori Square Pearl Gold and Silver earrings embellished with freshwater pearls resting on the lustrous metals which are a fine work of art by the specialists. Flip through the specialisms of the artists that are stunning in their simplicity and intricate texture and decorate yourself gracefully.

Edge of Ember, the catalyst of the change of course in fashion awaits your inner goddess.

Joe's Coffee Palace / Roasted with love in 2016.
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